
Showing posts from August, 2023

She was into angel numbers

 And didn't wanna let it go! Stay away from that!

Dont prove your worth to anyone

 You are good enough the way you are. You don't need to chase friends or find out why they stopped talking to you. Just low it and walk away!

I'm not gonna connect spiritually

 I'm not gonna connect spiritually with certain people anymore/help them!

Online friends dont block you

 Don't waste time or energy on these people!

To Vinny

  You blocked me; and I made you mad and upset. It hurts because to me, you were actually my friend and i felt like I could tell you everything because you understood me. I don't know what went wrong but I just hope that you are happy now and can enjoy your life without me. #itwasntmeanttobe I just believe that he lost all respect for me. I even question if he was even my friend at all!